Legal Information

Supplier identification

German Research Institute for Public Administration
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Str. 2
67346 Speyer

Responsible for structuring of content

Director Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. (NUM) Jan Ziekow
Tel: +49 6232 654-362
Fax: +49 6232 654-290

Ongoing maintenance by Elisabeth Gerhards.

Responsible supervisory authority

Ministry for Science, Further Education and Culture
Mittlere Bleiche 61
55116 Mainz



As service provider, in accordance with §7 Paragraph 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), the institute is responsible for its own information that it makes available for use, in accordance with the general law. However, it takes on no responsibility for content that is made available by other providers and referenced in hyperlinks. Should pages, content or references give cause for complaint on factual, legal or technical grounds, we ask that you give us appropriate notice of this.

Transparency law

Insofar as the institute practices administrative activities under private or public law, it is subject to the Regional Transparency Law of the Rhineland-Palatinate. Should you wish to direct a request to us in accordance with this law, please refer to the above-named contact partner.